Stay Fit and Fragrant With Right Body Spray

The new generation of men is obsessed with health and fitness. They want to eat right, follow healthy lifestyle and work hard in the gym to obtain their desired body shape or weight. By doing all this, one can look fit but it comes at a price of body stink. Some people are habitual of going to the gym first before going to their office, place of work or college, which gives them very less time to clean up themselves properly. You may take a bath in the gym, but it is not sufficient. Taking a bath does not remove the stink for a long time. Some people may associate the sweat stink with poor hygiene but it is not always the reason. Our lifestyle and eating habits are also equally responsible in the way you smell. You might be eating right, but some of the food products such as cheese, broccoli, garlic, asparagus, cabbage, Brussels sprouts, beetroot and many others can make your sweat smell very bad. Taking bath several times a day is not going to help in this one. Ap...