Tips To Store New Perfumes

The excitement of smelling and wearing new perfume is unbeatable. You love getting compliments from your friend and everyone who takes a whiff of the scent. You feel like holding the bottle, again and again, admiring its design and wearing the perfume on every single occasion, even if it is to buy the grocery from your neighbourhood market. However, after some time you will notice that your perfume does not smell as mesmerising as it was as a brand new bottle and there is a very slight change of colour. All this is due to the damage caused by not storing the perfume properly. You might be thinking that why you need to store the perfume properly, it is not your grocery or something eatable, which will turn bad when stored in poor condition. Your perfume is not an eatable, but it behaves like a living organism, which can turn bad when stored in unfavourable conditions. Too much heat, humidity, and exposure to light are some of the biggest killers of any perfume. Henceforth, ...