
Tips to Smell Amazing Even With Deodorant

You are planning a date night with your special someone. Picked out the best outfit, footwear is on point and your hairstyle is also perfect. All you need is an amazing scent that will add a finishing touch to your overall look. Well, if you don’t have an amazing smelling perfume, no need to worry as you can get an equally amazing fragrance out of a deodorant. Here are the simple tips that help you in enhancing the fragrance of your deodorant: Choose the right one : There are several types of deodorants having different purposes for the user. Some are good for covering the sweat while others absorb and prevent sweating. You need a deodorant, which has a delicate fragrance quite similar to perfumes. Creation Lustrous Intense deo 200ml contains a refreshing intense feminine fragrance with a hint of citrus and fresh florals. It is inspired by the perfume counterpart from the brand so you can imagine the intensity of scent. Apply on moisturised skin : Always apply the deodo...

Shop in Perfume Sale to Save Money

Do you want your favourite perfume but do not have enough money to buy it? It can happen with many especially someone with a tight budget. College going girls and boys often have fixed pocket money, which they have to utilise carefully getting everything they want using smart ways. However, when it comes to perfume for men and women, they have to either compromise with the quality or brand to have an amazing smelling fragrance as part of their grooming.  Here are some fabulous tips that will help you in getting a desired Perfume for Men and Women without spending too much: Look for Clearance Sale: In perfume clearance sale, you can get your favourite perfume at the cheapest price. Most of the brands hold such sales at the end of season when they are going to change the collection as per the new season. You can utilise this time to save some bucks on your favourite fragrances. However, you need to make sure that the perfume you bought in the clearance sale is not expire...

Oud Perfumed Body Spray: What Makes the Body Spray Special for Its Users

If a perfume is found with an exciting popularity, you can surely think about purchasing it. But what makes a perfume product exclusive because the choice and selection of a perfume widely vary from person to person. Colour Me Oud Body Spray 150ml is a clicked product is market and there are perfume lovers who have used this product several time. But what makes the Oud Perfumed Body Spray so special? If you want to order the body spray, know beforehand more about the product.  What about the smell:  The Oud Perfumed Body Spray offers good quality smell that in enjoying for both men and women around. The body spary is made with designer notes, which glide from one phase to another. The deo spray opens with a citrusy note of orange flower along with the spicy flavor of cardamom. It can be used in winter, which will keep you confident, amicable, and ultimately very much presentable in front of your audience around. The middle note offers the flavor of rose and ja...

Lomani Temptation Perfume for Women: A Safe Buy for Your Perfume Collection

Lomani Temptation Perfume is a signature product from the house of Lomani and it is now available for purchase from Perfumebooth. It is a flavorful perfume with fruity and floral surge of smell that not only refreshing, it is exciting too.  Before you order a Lomani Temptation Eau de Parfum 100ml bottle, you should know all its details so that you can understand if the perfume suits you. Notes of the scent Lomani Temptation is itself a bottled temptation to stay stimulated, refreshed, as well as revitalized for the whole day. No matter if you love floral scent or fruity fragrance, the perfume will satiate your preference. The smell itself is mild in type but it is long lasting and offers great silage once applied.  The floral scent has made it great for use in summer days but its musk and vanilla opulence will keep you energized if used in wintry days. Longevity of smell Women always prefer to stay fragranced as a part of their makeup. From that aspect Lomani ...

Stay Fit and Fragrant With Right Body Spray

The new generation of men is obsessed with health and fitness. They want to eat right, follow healthy lifestyle and work hard in the gym to obtain their desired body shape or weight. By doing all this, one can look fit but it comes at a price of body stink. Some people are habitual of going to the gym first before going to their office, place of work or college, which gives them very less time to clean up themselves properly. You may take a bath in the gym, but it is not sufficient. Taking a bath does not remove the stink for a long time.  Some people may associate the sweat stink with poor hygiene but it is not always the reason. Our lifestyle and eating habits are also equally responsible in the way you smell. You might be eating right, but some of the food products such as cheese, broccoli, garlic, asparagus, cabbage, Brussels sprouts, beetroot and many others can make your sweat smell very bad.  Taking bath several times a day is not going to help in this one. Ap...

The Right Fragrance for the Right Occasion

The world is full of a plethora of fragrances and more than “you are what you wear” the world has shifted to “you are what you smell”. So, it is very important to know what fragrance to wear and when to wear. Since your appearance and smell can make or break your image we are here to guide you with what is the right fragrance at a particular place. At work – When you are at work we would want you to leave a good impression when you leave the boardroom and not fill it with the strong fragrance of your cologne. The key is to stay subtle and smart. You can try a long-lasting scent but prefer a mild one. If you are a woman you can go for floral scents. Men can go with citrus or woody fragrance. Date – Nights – Since it has been scientifically proven that smell triggers the strongest emotions we would want you to become a winner on your date nights. Go musky and sensuous. A strong (don’t overdo) and unique fragrance that can last long will do the trick for you. From dinner to...

Tips to Store Perfume Properly

Unlike other products, perfumes do not have expiry dates. Good quality perfumes and perfume oils can last for decades at a stretch. In the excavations held in Egypt, archaeologists have found perfume bottles with perfume remnants. Not just here, several Victorian era collectors still have perfume bottles with perfume oil present in them. Perfumes can last up to years, given you keep them in proper condition.  What happens if perfume is stored in the wrong way?   What can happen if perfume is stored in the wrong way? Well, a lot can happen and the worst one is that your perfume will start smelling differently. When the perfume bottle experiences unfavourable conditions, it affects its chemical composition. Since the perfumes are made by mixing different oils and fragrances, they need proper balance around to stay stable. Over a prolong wrong storage, the perfume may start having discoloration, it generally becomes darker in colour. Once it happens, the smell will al...