5 Grooming Products That You Can Steal from Women

Women own a lot of cosmetic products for tons of reasons. They never stop on using just one product for one concern but own more than 3-5 for every concern in a number of colours and designs. While guys on the other hand have a very simplistic skin or grooming process which includes about 5 products in total or sometimes one or two more. You may feel that your life is sorted with those handful of products lying on your vanity countertop but you need much more than that to look fabulous and your woman partner can help you in that. Women have several products, which, you can use to make your life much easier. It might sound impossible and weird but it is a fact. Let’s have a look at those products which you can steal away from women and use yourself. 

Her Perfume:

Although you love your CA Classic Perfume, you can always grab women’s perfume for aroma therapy or to create a relaxing environment around you. Most of the men’s perfumes or deodorants have a strong vibe about them which can prevent you from feeling relaxed. Soothing and comforting fragrance of women’s perfumes will help you to lower your stress levels.

Lip balm:

No one likes to see a man with chapped lips. It is good that you are manly, but your lips don’t need to show your rough and tough side. Borrow the lip balm from your girlfriend or wife and apply it to your lips. This will help in retaining the moisture in your lips for longer time keeping them soft and supple. It is very useful for cold season or when your lips are chapped. You can also carry one in your pocket. However, make sure to stick to the non-tinted one unless you want some colour on your lips. You can also make your perfume long lasting with a lip balm as well. Just apply some on your skin before spraying Chris Adams CA Classic Man perfume and feel the difference. 


Even if you are manly, your skin needs an extra dose of moisture. If you do not have any with you, grab one from the woman in your life and use it. Most of the women’s moisturisers are loaded with natural goodness and have a lasting moisture content. These are always better than the usual ones available for men. Moreover, a well moisturised body absorbs Chris Adams perfumes better enhancing its life. 

BB Cream:

Do you have those acne scars on your face? Or need to hide that injury mark? Well, it is very easy with this amazing cosmetic product popular among women – BB cream. This tinted moisturiser has skin colour tint, which you can use to cover any blemish or mark on your skin for clearer look. It can be used on face as well as any other body part, just make sure to use a shade matching your skin tone. Even those bags and circles under your eyes can be covered with these giving you a flawless look. 

Compact powder:

Another wonderful product which can be used by every man out there is compact powder. Oily face is pretty common among men as well as women. Whenever you are suffering from one or want to look fresh on a particular occasion reducing the unwanted shininess on your skin, just dab your skin with compact puff and that’s it. Your face will look fresh and bright staying oil free, shine free and sweat free for hours. 

There are many products which you can borrow or steal from women and use them to improve your looks. Look for the ways and utilise them on yourself. Look fabulous, smell fabulous and you will be the centre of attention everywhere you go.


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